carcinogenicity|carcinogenicities in English


state of having cancer-causing properties

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "carcinogenicity|carcinogenicities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "carcinogenicity|carcinogenicities", or refer to the context using the word "carcinogenicity|carcinogenicities" in the English Dictionary.


2. The main health concern of Aflatoxin is their potential carcinogenicity

3. Hepatic enzyme induction, thyroid hormone system hyperactivity, carcinogenicity, and pup mortality

4. Cadmium is a metallic element best known for its high toxicity and carcinogenicity

5. This category is only used when sufficient indications of Carcinogenicity for humans are available

6. The mice studies showed no evidence of carcinogenicity associated with the oral administration of varenicline tartrate.

7. Available data are inadequate to serve as a basis for assessment of the carcinogenicity of acrolein following inhalation.

8. Bumptiousnesses bureaucratising bureaucratizing businesspersons cannibalization capaciousnesses CAPITALISATIONS capitalizations carcinogenicity carcinosarcomas cardiopulmonary carnivorousness carpetbaggeries cataclysmically CATEGORISATIONS categorizations CATHETERISATION

9. Brainlessnesses braunschweigers breathabilities bremsstrahlungs bronchodilators bronchoscopists brotherlinesses bumptiousnesses bureaucratising bureaucratizing businesspersons cannibalization capaciousnesses CAPITALISATIONS capitalizations carcinogenicity carcinosarcomas

10. In rats decreased cellularity of the bone marrow and thymic atrophy were observed only in the carcinogenicity study

11. Epidemiology studies on workers involved with Acrylamide monomer and polymerization operations have not shown any evidence for carcinogenicity to humans

12. Linear and Angular Furomarins: Psoralens, Angelicins, and Related Compounds: Carcinogenicity and Structure Activity Relationships: Other Biological Properties: Metabolism: Environmental Significance

13. The only identified epidemiological study (Bittersolh, 1975) is inadequate to serve as a basis for assessment of the carcinogenicity of acetaldehyde.

14. The clinical experience with Botox® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) Purified Neurotoxin Complex (100 Units) since 1980 has provided no evidence of carcinogenicity

15. The following effects were reported in mice and/or rats in the carcinogenicity studies conducted: granulocytic leukaemia, lymphoma, hepatocellular adenoma and carcinoma, and testicular adenoma

16. In long-term carcinogenicity studies of atazanavir in mice and rats, an increased incidence of benign hepatic adenomas was seen in female mice only

17. Due to growing concerns of the potential carcinogenicity of Bromate at lower ug/L levels, the EPA lowered the Bromate MCL to 10 ug/L

18. Class 1 -- Known human Carcinogen Class 2A -- Probable human Carcinogen Class 2B -- Possible human Carcinogen Class 3 -- Not classifiable for human Carcinogenicity Class 4 -- Probably not Carcinogenic to humans: Cyanides

19. We believe that CP ANN method is a good in silico approach for modeling and predicting rodent carcinogenicity for non-Congeneric chemicals and may find application for other toxicological endpoints.

20. In a #-month carcinogenicity study in mice, there was an increased incidence of testicular interstitial cell tumours and prostatic adenomas and adenocarcinomas in males given # or # mg/kg, and prostatic leiomyoblastoma in males given # mg/kg

21. In its opinion (5) on the first question, the Scientific Panel concluded that the strength of the evidence suggests that a mode of action other than genotoxicity is involved in the occurrence of nasal turbinate tumours observed in the rat carcinogenicity studies.

22. In a more recent carcinogenicity study (NTP, 1990) exposing B6C3F1 mice and F344/N rats to TCE by gavage, there was a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the incidences of combined hepatocellular carcinoma and adenomas (p < 0.05) in female mice (Table 3).

23. Acriflavine neutral, 13.3-15.8% chlorine Revision Date 19-Jan-2018 Products Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposure Irritation No information available Sensitization No information available Carcinogenicity The table below indicates whether each agency has listed any ingredient as a carcinogen

24. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer) of the World Health Organization has classified alcohol as a Group 1 Carcinogen, similar to arsenic, benzene, and asbestos.Its evaluation states, "There is sufficient evidence for the Carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages in humans

25. Considering results from the large number of studies on Aspartame's safety, including five previously conducted negative chronic carcinogenicity studies, a recently reported large epidemiology study with negative associations between the use of Aspartame and the occurrence of tumors, and negative findings from a series of three transgenic mouse assays, FDA finds no reason to alter its previous